Knowledge of the Truth = 4 years of college ???
Why didn't anyone ever tell me that?
Had I'd known, I would've included my WT education on my Resume!
or at least that's what my super jw ex-roommate told me when i try to have an adult discussion w her about the importance of a higher education... according to her (a girl that never finished hs because it was not necessary) she has a better education than any college graduate because the jehovah has used the borg literatrash to teach her many many important things.... she says her knowledge of the "truth" is the equivalent of my 4 years of college education..... .
is there a cure for stupid???!!
Knowledge of the Truth = 4 years of college ???
Why didn't anyone ever tell me that?
Had I'd known, I would've included my WT education on my Resume!
Nowadays, "Agressive Funds" are as volatile and speculative as a Roulette Table in run-down Las Vegas casino...
(Do as we say, not as we do.)
1 timothy 2:5 states that jesus is the only way to god.. matthew 24:45 is the parable of the faithful and wise servant which the watchtower conveniented converted into a prophecy about them to prove that the watchtower bible & tract society of new york is the only way to god.. and to make sure they get this point across to every jw they use a very special mental manipulation technique called... (wait for it)... ... ... repetition !!!.
00's: 205. mentions of 1 timothy 2:5 in watchtower magazine:.
00's: 22. so there you have it... in the last 6 decades, matthew 24:45 is mentioned 1,063 times, but 1 timothy 2:5 is only mentioned 216 times.
End-of-mysteries... So you're implying that the Watchtower Bible Tract Society is the "Valueless" Shepherd mentioned in Zec 11:17? That actually makes sense... Nevertheless, whether this text refers to the FDS or not, they really are VALUELESS!!!
1 timothy 2:5 states that jesus is the only way to god.. matthew 24:45 is the parable of the faithful and wise servant which the watchtower conveniented converted into a prophecy about them to prove that the watchtower bible & tract society of new york is the only way to god.. and to make sure they get this point across to every jw they use a very special mental manipulation technique called... (wait for it)... ... ... repetition !!!.
00's: 205. mentions of 1 timothy 2:5 in watchtower magazine:.
00's: 22. so there you have it... in the last 6 decades, matthew 24:45 is mentioned 1,063 times, but 1 timothy 2:5 is only mentioned 216 times.
1 Timothy 2:5 states that Jesus is the ONLY way to God.
Matthew 24:45 is the parable of the faithful and wise servant which the Watchtower conveniented converted into a PROPHECY about them to prove that the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York is the ONLY way to God.
And to make sure they get this point across to every JW they use a very special mental manipulation technique called... (wait for it)... ... ... REPETITION !!!
In fact notice how many times Matthew 24:45 is mentioned in the Watchtower magazine (versus 1 Timothy 2:5)...
Mentions of Matthew 24:45 in Watchtower magazine:
50's: 179
60's: 154
70's: 110
80's: 175
90's: 240
00's: 205
Mentions of 1 Timothy 2:5 in Watchtower magazine:
50's: 39
60's: 31
70's: 70
80's: 38
90's: 16
00's: 22
So there you have it... In the last 6 decades, Matthew 24:45 is mentioned 1,063 times, but 1 Timothy 2:5 is only mentioned 216 times. That's a ratio of 5 to 1. To me, this just means that the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York believes that they are 5 times more important than Jesus himself.
The arrogance of these self-proclamed "channels of communication" is overwhelming...
thanks for the information, .
today by jws themselves and by the general public at large.. the repelling opposition and from mainstream christendom stems from ideologies created most likely from the freemason theologies.. the theological idea that one should congregate in worship in a place that replicates king solomon's temple as a truer.
emulation of where people should worship god (yahweh) as apposed to typically designed churches.. the probable reason also why worshiping centers for the jws are called kingdom halls and not churches.. when j rutherford broke away more less from the ibsa to create the jw organization, the remaining ibsa still used freemason halls to .
Interesting website... This is probably why the WT will soon be cutting their ties with CT Russell... He's too much of a liability... With the recent Nu-Lite, stripping Russell of his elite membership in the FDS, I believe they've done just that...
a new article for those who are interested....
Irreparable harm?
Even if this were true (whcih it obviously isn't), all the need is one Governing Body tour of 25 major cities (picking the most affluent metro areas), fill 25 stadiums for 2 hours, charge $5 for parking (even though it'll probably already be included in the stadium rental), and then make the usual announcement at the end about a "deficit" to cover the operating costs of the Special Assembly Day...
The assembly theme could be: "God Loves a Cheerful Giver" (2 Cor 9:7)
That'll easily rake up at least $20 Million.
i found taking the traveling overseers out for a meal, to be a waste of time.
our literature regulary spoke of the upbuilding talk the local congregations received by entertaining our brothers.
now some of the modern cos look at their telecommunication devices, talk of things not related to our ministry or phone it in.
Broken Promises
In the Western Hemishpere, ass-kissing elders figured out that taking the traveling overseer to dinner at a fine dining establishment is a sure way to get an assembly part at the next CA or DC (and gain rock-star status)... maybe that hasn't caught on yet in Aussie land...
so we all know the jw vocabulary is a weird one.
what words or phrases bugged you the most?.
a few of mine:.
hello, would anyone know or a guesstimate??.
also, will they have assemblies to discuss .
I believe the ridiculous teaching about the TWO (2) OVERLAPPING GENERATIONS was 1st mentioned at the October, 3, 2009 Annual Meeting. But it wasn't printed until a few moths later (April 15, 2010 Watchtower)... so I'm guessing we'll see this in print by December or January (on either the March 15, 2013 or April 15, 2013 Watchtower)... It will certainly NOT be mentioned in the Public Edition at all...
if anyone would like to listen or call in to my show "the razor swift" here are the details..
There is a letter from the Watchtower to All Bodies of Elders dated October 1, 2012 where the phrase "Call the Legal Department" is used exactly 10 times. That letter does not mention the phrase "Call the Police" (or any other "wordly" authority) at all.
You should search for that letter and base some of your questions on it (just to keep the conversation relevant)...
If you can't find it, PM me.
Caleb's Airplane